In just four months I will be asking my legs to run for 100 miles. It is something I am incredibly excited about and very much looking forward to endeavour, but at the same time I understand that I must focus on the step I am taking today, the step right before me. No need to trap myself in the illusion that is the future.
We often fail to realise that our life’s journey is no longer an adventure when we get too hung up on what is yet to come. Frankly, by constantly chasing these self created visions about what may or may not happen someday, we are not living but merely existing with an obsessive need to arrive.
It goes for the past as well. It serves no one any purpose to keep dwelling on what has already happened. No matter how hard we try, we cannot change what has been and gone.
To be trapped in time is the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. It creates an endless preoccupation with past & future and an unwillingness to honour and acknowledge the present moment.
Useless and compulsive thinking has turned into a collective disease. We become overwhelmed when we forget to be. Life is happening to us right now. Not in a year, not two weeks from today, not in 5 minutes. And certainly not three months ago.
Revisit your memories & look forward to and plan your future by all means — and then break out of your inherited collective mind-patterns and pull yourself back to the present moment. Because all we have is now.